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Cara Memasak: 1) Rebuskan kampit dengan air berlebihan didalam periuk yang sesuai selama 60-90 minit. Tambahkan sedikit garam jika perlu. Periuk mesti ditutup semasa rebus. 2) Setelah selesai memasak, angkat ketupat dan toskan airnya. Biarkan sejuk sebelum memotong untuk hidangan. Cooking Instruction: 1) Boil the rice packets in a cooking pot, with water covering rice packets, for 60-90 minutes. Add a little salt to taste, if desired. The cooking pot should be covered at all times. 2) After the rice cubes are cooked, take out and drain out the water. cut to the desired size after the rice cubes are cooled. x1 - Rasa Enak Ketupat Mini 200g / Rasa Enak Mini Rice Cubes 200g

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